Friday, December 31, 2010
Last Entry..

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Kalau orang tua (opsss..tersasul..)... Kalau orang dewasa cket mudah la nak bli..
Sunday, November 21, 2010
eSok dah sTarT..

Friday, November 19, 2010
kedekut VS jimat
17 11 2010,ada satu cerita baru yg uncle aku share..citer ni berkaitan dengan sorg pemilik gedung beli belah terkenal di Malaysia dan ada about 8000 pekerja..kalau aku bgtau klu cket je, msti korg kenal punyer..Apa yg aku sgt kagum ngan tokey ni ialah sifat berjimat cermat dia..Mula2 dngar citer ni, perkara pertama yg terlintas ialah,,KEDEKUT!! Tapi, bila banyak kali fikir, dia memang PANDAI JAGA DUIT!!
Alkisahnya, tokey ni bila makan kat luar ngan family, dia takkan order air..especially air yang boleh buat kat umah spt air teh ais..kalau nak order air, air kosong jela dibenarkan..yela, kalau order kat luar, berapa dah yg dibelanjakan..Ada satu masa tu, si tokey keluar makan kat luar..dia order la mi goreng sepinggan + air 0 + asam limau lebih..Nak tau asam limau tu buat pe?? Dia perah lam air..Jadi la singa beng takde gula..hu2..banyak jimat ar..
Walaupun duit berkepuk2, tapi still berjimat cermat..Comment from my father,,tulah cara org bisnes yg bersungguh..simpan duit 4 masa dpn..tak mcm org kita ni, ada duit ckit, terus joli..beli tu..beli ini..And i'm just nodding..agree la tu..ngee..
Hm,mungkin boleh aku praktikkan bila masuk sem baru ni..langkah berjimat cermat la katakan..Kpd kawan2 ku semua, jgn cop aku kedekut plak eh..coz aku tengah berjimat utk memastikan kelansungan wang sampai abes sem 6 ni..kwang2..
Aku juga kagum dgn cara dia layan anak dia..walaupun dia tu tokey kedai tu, tp anak2 xde la senang2 je blh jwatan dlm syarikat..He ask his children to work with other company for 5 years before they can work under him..Dan sebab tak nak kerja ngan company luar, sorang anak dia bercadang nak jual aiskrim..And he told his father that he will have 100 lorries in 5 years.. w0w,,tinggi cita2..but,yes, it's possible..
Kalau ngn pekerja x yah nak citerla..dia sorang yg tegas..Ada satu cawangan kedai dia ni, bertentangan ngan Giant..(kalau x silapla..) Kalau dia nampak je parking kat Giant tu penuh, trus dia panggil manager. "u know what?? I made some mistake. Chosing u as a manager." Huargh!! ngeri..terus kena pecat..
Pape pun,, ciri2 nya yg ku kagumi spt diatas, hanya sesuai tuk dikagumi and dipraktikkan kat diri sndiri..dan tak patut 100% ada pd calon suami nnti..40% je, mybe..:)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
malas nak wat pape..
Dah start cuti ni, bermula lah jugak otakku nak start cuti. Cam malas nak wat pape. Asyik duk memerap kat umah je. Nasib baik tak rajin ngangkut buku bawa balik kelantan. Kalau tak, pasti nyesal nak pikul balik KL nanti. Dah la tak buka pape pun. Nak pergi jalan2, setakat bandar KB tu bolehlah kalau nak naik teksi. Almaklum lah, lesen tak de agi. Jangan harap la lesen kereta nak ada. Lesen basikal pon tak lepas. Lepas masuk longkang ada la. Huh,nyanye2..Bilalah nak leh lesen ni...Erm,,okay, this will be one of my planning for the next year,insyallah if i'm still breathing and sharing the same air with all of u.
Preparation for raya haji ?? Nothing done. Mama kata, kita buat ala kadar je. So,tak de buat pape pun. Ni lah first time raya yang tak letih sangat. Esok pagi baru terkejar2 nak masak. Menunya, roti jala+kuzi ayam= sedap bangat!!
K, nak chaow la dulu, coz dah malas nak tulis. Korang pun mesti malas nak baca pon. Pape pon, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha..MZB.. :)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
aku..ais..ping and beng..
Two post in one day. Bukannya rajin sangat pun, tapi kemalasan nak study for muet sok. Just muet, and then i'll be free.Yeees!!..(erm, only for a week..T_T.).Then, boleh balik rumah.Mummy...daddy...wait for me..!!!
Hm,,Malam ni nak share pasal satu benda ni. Tiba-tiba ketagih nak benda ni. Not dadah musuh negara tu, ok! One of my fav. Maybe yours too..pasal teh ais ataupun minuman yang sewaktu dengannya. Macam2 nama yang dibagi kat minuman2ni..depends on negeri..Misalnya,kat kelantan ktorang panggil teh/milo beng.kat sabah, milo/teh ping..kat negeri lain tak pasti la pulak. Kena tanya la nanti..
Hm,,mesti pelik kan, malam-malam nak post pasal minuman ais ni. Special sangat ke dia ni??Or aku dah buang tebiat?? Padahal ia cuma teh/milo yang dicampur susu and then cedok ais. Siap.
Actually, bukan nak cerita sangat pasal teh or milo ais tu..Tapi, kisah di sebalik tabir 'pengoderan' dorang ni.Korang rasa apa yang terjadi kalau korang order milo ais ikut loghat kelantan kat tengah-tengah bandar Kuala Lumpur??
Adik aku dah pernah buat dah. Tapi bukanlah kat tengah2 bandar KL tu. sipi2 je..Time tu my family tgh sarapan kat restoran mamak kat Nilai. Tak ingat apa nama restoran tu. Nak tahu apa jadi??....Baca kisah dibawah..
Scene 1
Bro : Bang, milo beng satu. ( Adik yg tak sedar diri..he2)
The waiter just give him a small nod and went to the kitchen. After 2 minutes, he came with a glass of yellow liquid.
Waiter : Nah, air.
Bro : Kenape kaler air milo ni kuning?? (hu,,buat2 blur..)
Waiter : Aiyoo,,ini AIR BELIMBING ar..bukan milo..
Bro : Tadi order air milo ais la..
Waiter : ?? (aku ada sound problm ke??)
At that point,we just realized that we're in Nilai..not Kelantan. And also, 'milo beng' sounds like belimbing. Tu lah jugak first time aku dengar orang order jus belimbing. Tapi kesian kat mamak tu kena buat air milo ais balik.
Tu kisah adik aku yang tak berapa sedar diri.. Apa yg jadi kat aku n kawan aku pulak dah kira masuk kategori lupa diri..Nak tahu kisahnya..Baca la lagi..Kalau dah tak nak baca, tekan tanda 'x' kat sudut kanan tu yer..
Scene 2
This happened in Kelantan, during my clinical attachment kat Klinik Pergigian Besar KB tu (klu tak silap la..)
Waiter : Nok air gapo??
Me : Air teh ais.
Friend I : Teh beng.
Friend II : Teh beng.
Friend I : Oo,,nok air teh beng 2..teh ais 1..(hu2,,my friend try to simplified our order)
Huh,,terus je waiter tu gelakkan ktorg..Tak ke teh ais ngan teh beng tu sama??
Ni pulak kisah antara aku, dia dan air milo..Tak membabitkan cinta 3segi pun..Alkisahnya begini..
Scene 3
This had happened in Sabah. Cousin suruh buatkan dia milo ais.
Cousin : Kin*, buatkan milo ping** satu.
Me : (dgn blurr nya..) Camne nak jadikan milo colour pink??
And sekali lagi ditertawakan gara2 air milo/teh ais.
*Nama manja aku..
**In sabah, they refers iced drinks as 'ping.' From what I've read, this word comes from Hakka.
Ha,,tulah kisah yang aku nak kongsi malam2 ni. Walaupun kisah tak berapa menarik, tapi, at least dapat la jugak hilangkan tension ni. Sory kat sape2 yang bertambah tension lepas baca post ni. Drpd kisah2 ni, bnyak jugak pngajaran yg aku dpt, antaranya:
1. sentiasa sedar diri & x lupa diri tak kira di mana anda berada..
2. Belajar la loghat negeri len jugak..jgn jadik cam katak kat dalam kasut sekolah aku dulu..
3. Last,pilihlah kwn yg dpt bezakan teh ais ngan teh beng...hu2, sorry s****.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Mata tak nak tido lagi..ntah la,tak tau knapa..munginkah penangan semangkuk meggi n secawan mocha td??..tapi mujur la mata x nak trlelap lagi, coz tiba2 dtg idea nak post kat blog yg dah lama x update ni..
Tak de la nak kongsi apa pun. Cuma just nak kongsi pasal satu cerita Hindustan yg aku tngok ptg td. Actually,,dah 3 kali tngok cite ni..Tapi,saje gatal nak tengok lagi..hee..
“Baghban” (he2,,x sedar diri btul.dh la nak exam). Aku bukan la jenis yg layan sgt cerita Hindustan ni,sbb x suka time dy nyanyi2 tu.. Tapi, bg aku cerita Baghban ni antara cerita Hindustan yg aku minat, after cerita “3Idiot”. Mmg menyentuh perasaan dan kalbu betul..Ada la jugak empangan kawan aku yg pecah,,banjir la jgak.(kawan aku ni anti Hindustan..tp terlekat jugak depan TV tu,he2).Aku pulak duk cube control macho..Tapi,air mata tetap brtakung jugak akhirnya. Tunggu masa nak melimpah je. Mujur la pkai speck..x la nmpak sgt,kan?..hehe..I’m trying not to cry in front of people..
Oh,,berbalik pasal Baghban..Cerita ni pasal sepasang suami isteri yg sanggup berkorban demi empat org anak2 dorg. Nak ape je, mak bapak boleh bagi. Anak yang sekecil tapak tangan, ditatang dgn penuh kasih sayang, sampailah mereka semua berjaya.Tapi,bila ibu bapa dorg mintak nak tinggal ngan anak2,nak merasa kasih sayang daripada sang anak, semua mula nak lepas tangan. Beban la konon??!! And finally, they separated their parents. You take mum with you, and I’ll take dad. Bayangkan,,perpisahan selama 6 bulan,setelah berpuluh-puluh tahun hidup bersama amat la memeritkan.Tambah2 lagi dengan perangai anak2 yang tak kenang budi..Hehe,,emosi la plak..Nak tahu lebih lanjut, tengok la ye cite ni..Pape pun,thumbs up utk cerita ni,,banyak pengajaran n sesuai utk tontonan umum.~~
Saturday, October 23, 2010
it's what we call COFFEE..
ye2,cuti..tapi, tak macam sabtu yg sebelum2 ni..no more lepak2 n rileks2..coz arini plan nak study BHSC and CD..(Dato', sorry coz baru nak study, he2)..tapi buku x buka2 agi ni..sabar ye buku,jap agi aku start..
And this afternoon, plan nak pergi shopping jap..yela,nak beli bekalan utk berjuang selama seminggu ni..hm,,nescafe...should I buy it? Do I need it?..still don't know..but there's in the list..
I want to share bout what i read in Softpedia.."Top 15 effects that coffee has on your health"..feel free to read..this article really make me think twice..
- The caffeine eases withdrawal symptoms accumulating overnight, but does not make people more alert.
- Caffeine has been found to prevent cognitive decline in the elderly women.
- Coffee defends against blepharospasm, an involuntary eye spasm which makes patients blink uncontrollably, which may turn into a severe vision impairment, and in severe cases, this can make the patients functionally blind.
- Brewed coffee also contains soluble cellulose fibers, which help the body absorb vital nutrients, keep a lid on cholesterol and fight constipation.
- High coffee consumption (more than three cups per day for years) increases loss of bone mineral density
- The effect of coffee on the cardiovascular health is controversial: some say it's good, others that it is a risk factor.
- Caffeine causes sleep disturbances
- Coffee could cut the risk of skin cancer.
- Coffee fights gout symptoms
- Two cups of coffee reduce significantly post-gym muscle
- Caffien mixed with acetaminophen (paracetamol) can damage your liver.
- Caffeine gets women in the mood for sex, especially in moderate amounts and when the women are not heavy drinkers.
- Unfiltered coffee increases the level of cholesterol.
- Coffee was found to remove 78-90 % of the heavy metals dissolved in the tap water, like lead or copper
And in the end,, I still want to buy it..i need it..
Friday, October 22, 2010
baru satu..
And after exam Muamalt tu, masing2 sibuk dgn plan sendiri. Ada yg plan nak gi makan steamboat, ada yg nk gi McD, ada jgak yg tngok wayang, and x lupa jgak yg pergi beli tiket raya haji n balik rumah masing2. Yela, next week dah study leave, so amek la peluang sehari ni tuk enjoy sekejap before facing our 2weeks exam. To all my friends, all the best for ur final exam..
Thursday, October 21, 2010
first treatment..
tarikh bersjarah coz ni lah pertama kali treat patient c0ns..dah la first time..kne plak large restoration class II..memang hampeh clinic cons arini..memang tak puas hati betul..nak tahu kenapa??...Sebab :
- hampir 50% cavity prep doc yg buat..coz tiba2 blurr bila nampak caries yg nak diremoved besar..
- handpiece pulak x keluar air. Panggil technician suruh baiki, dia siap goncang2 lg dental chair tu..brgoyang2 patient kat atas tu..
- tak sempat nak pack amalgam..terpaksa ltak kalzinol..hope dapat brtahan lama coz next appointment lama lagi.
- and, doc cakap aku degil..he2..emm,,mungkin..
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
when u feel A.N.G.R.Y..

Do u always feel angry? How do u manage it? Different people will have their own ways to calm themselves. Maybe some will prefer just to keep quiet and acting like there's nothing happened. Or maybe some think that revenge is the best way in satisfying themselves. For me, when I feel angry and mad at someone, I'll cry.
My friend asked me something when she saw tears on my cheek. "Why are u crying?" "I feel angry right now." "But why're u crying? That's weird." "Coz anger is like fire and when u cry, tears will put out the flame."
(transform into Malay mode) Tulah kenapa kita digalakkan supaya ambil whuduk, solat sunat and baca Al-quran bila rasa marah. Sbab marah itu daripada syaitan n syaitan itu daripada api. Whuduk itu dengan air yg bisa memadamkan amarah. Solat dan alunan ayat suci al-Quran mendamaikan jiwa, mendekatkan diri kepada yang Maha Pencipta.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Nothing to say..
Hmm,,tiba2 je rasa bosan malam ni..nak bukak buku,tak tau plak nk study apa. Memang tak sedar diri betul. Exam dah dekat sangat lak tu.Tengah2 siyok melayari yg tah pape, maka, terjumpalah satu artikle ni. Tertarik betul dgn point yg number 1 tu. I'm really agree wif that..

you, to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you
just have to let go.
3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing
with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the
best conversation you've ever had.
4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but
it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it
5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,an hour to like
someone, and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget
6. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even
that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes
only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.
7. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you
want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all
the things you want to do.
8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it
hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.
9. A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life;
a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.
10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of
everything they just make the most of everything that comes along
their way.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was
smiling.Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling andeveryone around you is crying.
Monday, October 18, 2010
eXam m0de = n0 mo0d...
just around the corner...

Stop complaining..u can do it..I believe u can. What u need is just a little bit of effort. Urmm, I mean not just a little bit, but a lot of it..Good luck to myself..
01/11 CONS
02/11 BHSC
03/11 ORTHO & PAED

08/11 PERIO & CD
09/11 OS & DI
10/11 OPOM
11/11 GS
Are u ready??