Do u always feel angry? How do u manage it? Different people will have their own ways to calm themselves. Maybe some will prefer just to keep quiet and acting like there's nothing happened. Or maybe some think that revenge is the best way in satisfying themselves. For me, when I feel angry and mad at someone, I'll cry.
My friend asked me something when she saw tears on my cheek. "Why are u crying?" "I feel angry right now." "But why're u crying? That's weird." "Coz anger is like fire and when u cry, tears will put out the flame."
(transform into Malay mode) Tulah kenapa kita digalakkan supaya ambil whuduk, solat sunat and baca Al-quran bila rasa marah. Sbab marah itu daripada syaitan n syaitan itu daripada api. Whuduk itu dengan air yg bisa memadamkan amarah. Solat dan alunan ayat suci al-Quran mendamaikan jiwa, mendekatkan diri kepada yang Maha Pencipta.
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